Organic Egyptian Mint Seeds

Sale price£2.95



Egyptian/Round Leaved Mint
mentha rotundifolia
Approx. 900 seeds

What an amazing plant mint is. It has been used by people since ancient times. The name comes from a character, Minthe, in Greek mythology. When Persephone discovered her husband Hades and the Naiad Minthe were an item she is said to have stamped the nymph into the ground where she survived as a mint plant. Naiads were fresh water spirits and enough moisture and shade is the secret to growing most mints. The fresh aroma of the leaves is uplifting and it was used as a strewing herb. The plant is easy to grow and even after some neglect it’s powers of rejuvenation are astonishing. There are very many varieties as mint hybridizes easily. Some resulting species can only be grown from cuttings. This variety can be grown from seed. It is a perennial with mid-green, soft, round leaves. It grows to a height of around 70 cm.


Mint is usually trouble-free and easy to grow but it is susceptible to rust.


Sow seeds undercover with a little heat from March in a seed tray. Plant up into 8 cm pots in small clumps and keep well watered. When the plants have grown on a bit plant them out into a rich, moist shady site from May onward. Keep watered during dry weather. At the end of Summer dig up a good clump and pot up to bring indoors. This will extend the picking time for fresh leaves.


Fresh mint is one of the evocative smells of early summer. Use it fresh with potatoes and peas, add vinegar to chopped mint to make mint sauce, use handfuls of it with chopped parsley in tabbouleh. Add to cucumber and yoghurt for raita. Use in fruit salad and summer drinks and punch. Chop and add to tagines or make your own mint tea.

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