Organic Carrot Seeds - Amsterdam Forcing

Sale price£2.95



Carrot: Amsterdam Forcing
Latin name Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Approximately 800-1000 seeds per g

Carrots are extremely popular and widely grown in the UK. They are a very satisfying crop to grow with their feathery leaves and wonderfully colourful roots full of flavour and vitamins. Alongside the orange favourites, carrots also come in yellow, purple and white. They can also be a variety of shapes and sizes.

Amsterdam Forcing is a fast-growing favourite which is ideal for undercover and outside crops. It has long roots with good colour and high yields. Can be used for early and late-season crops.


  • Grow carrots in the miscellaneous section of your rotation.  They do best in deep, rich, fine soil so some ground preparation (from around March) may be required. Avoid freshly manured, stony or very wet ground. The first sowings undercover in a greenhouse or polytunnel can give you an early crop but do not be tempted to start them off too early outside. May is generally the best month.
  • If planting outside, sow seeds in a bed with fine, well-worked soil undercover from May to August. Sprinkle the seed thinly into shallow drills and cover it with fine soil. Thin the seedlings as they grow to leave a distance of 5 or 6 cm. Be sure to keep the plot free from weeds.
  • Early undercover sowings will be ready around July. Late maincrops will be ready from September onwards.

Pests and diseases:

  • Carrot seedlings are a slugs favourite thing. They will graze off a row of new carrots before they have barely made it past the soil surface.
  • If slugs are a problem in your garden you might need to use environmentally friendly slug pellets.
    Your carrot crop can also be decimated by the carrot root fly. The female fly lays eggs at the base of the carrot usually in early Summer and the grubs tunnel through the carrot leaving brown tracks. Luckily a simple barrier method can keep the fly away from your crop.


  • Carrots are best to cut into chunks, rounds, or strips and steamed until tender. They can be stir-fried, sautéed, or roasted. They are also a valuable ingredient in soups and stews.

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