A.R.T.S Velgro - 250ml

Sale price£40.00



A.R.T.S Velgro is a thrip repellent, and contains potassium salt and an extract from the cane of the Ryania plant.

Velgro acts on the stomach of insects, and can control the thrip eggs and larvae at an early stage. After use, the thrips will be sterile within a few hours, losing the ability to carry on egg-laying.

The unpalatable smell and taste of Velgro ensures thrips avoid treated plants. Despite this, it leaves no smell or taste in the plants and is suitable for application on vegetables, flowers and tree nursery crops.


  • As a curative:
    Mix 50ml with 1L of warm water and shake well. Spray the liquid over the crop, the soil and all uprisings. The eggs and larvae will lie on the ground and uprisings. Repeat after 3 days, and then after 10 days to break the cycle.
  • As a preventive:
    Mix 25ml per 1L warm water and spray every 14 days.

Make sure you are spraying either before lights come on or after they have gone off to allow the spray to settle on the plants. Spraying under bright lights can cause the plant to burn.

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